Indonesia Positif

IC-MBA 2022 International Activities: An Activity by the Postgraduate of Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) Aimed at Creating an International Standard Academic Atmosphere

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2022 - 14:22 | 30.79k
International Conference on Management, Business, and Accounting (IC-MBA). (Photo: UNJ)
International Conference on Management, Business, and Accounting (IC-MBA). (Photo: UNJ)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – This International Conference is a commitment by the Postgraduate UNJ to realize UNJ's vision and mission to be a world class university and to develop a reputation throughout the Asia region. Postgraduate UNJ, in collaboration with Asia University, Taiwan, and  Istambul Arel University, Turkiye is holding the on International Conference on Management, Business, and Accounting (IC-MBA), 27-28 August 2022. The conference is chaired by Prof. Dr. Dedi Purwana and the theme is “Business Transformation for Economic Advancement Toward Society 5.0 Era”. The activity is being implemented in a hybrid manner, both offline and online.

The conference committee has registered 130 registrations from various countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan and Turkey. There are 5  keynote speakers: Prof. Mamoon Allan University of Jordan, Jordan, Prof. Dr. Ali Akdemir Istambul Arel University, Turkey, Prof, Wing-Keung WONG, Asia University, Taiwan, Prof. Dr. Nurul Indarti, Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) Indonesia.

Apart from the main conference IC-MBA is also offering a writing workshop with Adammu Abbas, Ph. D from Curtin  University, Malaysia. Participants also send paper to the committee who will be submitted to special issues in several journals international, and papers that meet criteria will published in the high reputable international journal.

Prof. Dedi Purwana, as the Chief Executive of IC-MBA 2022. It aims to create an academic atmosphere as a step in the development of human resources in the University. This is in line with the Postgraduate UNJ  Strategic Development Plan. The Postraduate UNJ  has an ambition to achieve international recognition through expansion access international.

Prof. Dedi Purwana added that the organisation of international conferences also contributes to the University’s efforts to gain international accreditation for its degree programmes. So far, 17 postgraduate degree programmes have been accredited and a further 3 degree programmes will be granted accreditation soon. Finally, according to Prof Dedi Purwana, hosting conferences helps the  Postraduate UNJ reach its target of becoming a centre of learning and research in Asia.

Prof. Dr. Dedi Purwana, Director of the  Postraduate UNJ, confirms that organising international conferences is important because it contributes to the reputation of the Postraduate UNJ  in the Asian Region. Furthermore, being granted international accreditation by AQAS (Germany), strengthens the growth of an international standard academic atmosphere.

Meanwhile Prof. Komarudin as the Rector of UNJ said that the activities at this international conference would contribute to UNJ's efforts to improve the position of BLU universities to PTNBH. IC-MBA 2022 is one of UNJ's programs to support the visit of the State University of Jakarta, "Being a leading University in Asia". In this case, it is expected to increase joint research and joint publications made by lecturers and students at UNJ, Istanbul Arel University and Asia Management College, said Prof. Komarudin.

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rochmat Shobirin


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