
Foods to Avoid When You Have Diabetes

Senin, 01 Agustus 2022 - 04:08 | 42.67k
Illustration: healthy lifestyle. (Photo: /Freepik) 
Illustration: healthy lifestyle. (Photo: /Freepik) 

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Summer has come. And it's mean that you will need to hydrate yourself more than what you did during winter. But sometimes people choose the hard way that is hydrating themselves with some beverages which contains loads of sugar. And this behavior could lead to diabetes.

What most important is to always check your blood sugar level when you feel something wrong with your body. But it always better to avoid before it's all too late. And according to Healthline you could start by avoiding these foods. Check them out.

1. Refined grains

Those foods made of refined grains such as rice, pasta, or bread contains a high amount of glucose. This will definitely increase your blood sugar immediately. Constitute this foods with brown rice or even milled corn rice will be a good option.

2. Sugar rush beverages

Those beverages contains such massive amount of sugar like coke, canned juice, milk tea or coffee, or even energy drink will be one thing to avoid. Those diet coke or any beverages that say less sugar or zero sugar will be the most thing to avoid for they still contain lots of sugar.

Alcohol should also be your consideration. Those fruit juices were also not a good alternative to consume specially when it contains some refined sugar. You better just use your teeth as the natural blender.

3. Processed meats

Those processed foods like sausages, hot dogs, bacon, are not the best option to have when you get diabetes. You need to avoid these food for during the process they add some refined sugar and such tremendous amount of salt, as well some preservatives.

4. Fried foods

It can't be denied consuming fried foods such as fritters, mozzarella stick, chicken or any fried red meat has become such good condiments of may be some snack during your meal time. However, these foods will ring another issue for your diabetes and will raise your blood sugar.(*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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