
Dapoer Limboek, The Best Place to Eat Fritters in Surabaya

Selasa, 21 Juni 2022 - 03:21 | 48.55k
Scrumptious fritters by Dapoer Limboek Surabaya. (PHOTO: documentation of Dapoer Limboek)
Scrumptious fritters by Dapoer Limboek Surabaya. (PHOTO: documentation of Dapoer Limboek)

TIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYA – Fritters are meat, seafood, fruit, vegetables or other ingredients that are battered and deep-fried. Usually, the filling of a fritter can be tofu, vegetables, banana and tempe. However, Dapoer Limboek Surabaya serves a wider variation of fritters with various fillings. 

Dapoer Limboek Surabaya is located in Dukuh Kupang XXV / 7. This restaurant is now open for dine-in. Customers can enjoy various scrumptious fritters with savory dipping sauces. 

According to Astrid Herawaty, the Owner of Dapoer Limboek Surabaya, Dapoer Limboek serves many kinds of fritters, such as fried meatballs, cakwe (Chinese twisted dough), fried shrimp, and fried tofu, that can be the favorite of all walks of life.


Dapoer Limboek also serves takeaway service. In addition to that, this restaurant also sells frozen fritters, which customers can stock up to deep-fry at home. 

The most bestselling menu at Dapoer Limboek is mix platter, a menu with various types of fritters. This is best for customers in a group. 

Opened in the middle of June, Dapoer Limboek has received much enthusiasm from culinary lovers in Surabaya. The food served in this restaurant is not only scrumptious, but also relatively affordable. (*)

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Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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