English UIN Malang

Community Service: UIN Maliki Malang Students Teach the Locals to Learn English

Senin, 20 Juni 2022 - 06:11 | 32.86k
Some students of UIN Malang took some moment with their camera after teaching the local house wives with English. (Photo: UIN Maliki Malang) 
Some students of UIN Malang took some moment with their camera after teaching the local house wives with English. (Photo: UIN Maliki Malang) 

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Some students of English Major of UIN Malang or UIN Maliki Malang doing a community services by sharing what they have learned in class to the  local community. This time they took several house wives which joined the PKK group at Karangploso View, Ngenep, Malang to learn English with them.

Those students are Annisa Jihan Salsabil and Ahmad Hunayli. Both were accompanied by their lectures Wahyu Indah Mala Rohmana, M.Pd as the leader of the team and Suci Senjana, M.A.. They brought 'Women Empowerment Through Teaching English for Young Learners' as their main theme.

"Our main goal is to raise the housewives capability and skills especially for newly mom so they'd be able to teach their kids some English. Especially those moms with golden age kids or toddlers," Mala Rohmana said.

Still according to her, it's crucial to give those golden age kids some knowledge in English in universal way. And this time of pandemic where moms were mostly working from home will be a perfect time to introduce the new language to their loved ones.

To work better, the crew of UIN Maliki Malang also take the children along to learn with them so the mother could directly practice what they have learned to their kids. They also used some flashcard, story book in English with interesting colors to attract the kids' attention.

They  planned to hold another class and session to keep the program in track and stated some more tips and tricks fro the local community of Karangploso. This was also one of their way to let the students of UIN Maliki Malang to practice their skill in teaching English before they were graduated. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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