
Amazing Health Benefits of Dates that You Should Know

Senin, 06 Juni 2022 - 05:26 | 42.21k
Health benefits of date fruit. (PHOTO: alodokter.com)
Health benefits of date fruit. (PHOTO: alodokter.com)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTADates are the fruit of the date palm tree, which is usually grown in many tropical countries. Fresh dates are small in size and range in color from bright red to bright yellow. They are chewy and sweet. 

So, without any further do, let’s discuss 8 health benefits of eating dates that you should know. 

1. Dates can prevent inflammation

Dates are rich in polyphenols, which is an anti-inflammatory property. Dates have higher level of polyphenols than any other fruits. 

 2. Dates improve digestion

Consuming dates regularly can improve the digestion system. Dates can be a good choice of snack for those who have digestive problems. 

3. Dates are excellent natural sweetener

Dates can be a natural sweetener, especially for those who are suffering from diabetes. Dates have a natural sweet taste and high level of antioxidants. 

4. Dates are very nutritious

Dates have higher calorie content than most fresh fruits. Most of the calories in dates come from carbohydrates. Besides, it contains protein, vitamins and minerals. 

5. Dates can prevent anemia

Dates are rich in iron that can prevent iron deficiency. Iron works to produce more hemoglobin that helps to form more blood cells to prevent anemia. 

Those are the health benefits that we can get from eating dates. (*)

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Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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