
Tape Manis Madu Paringan Ponorogo Best Way to Enjoy Fermented Cassava

Senin, 25 April 2022 - 03:21 | 56.99k
Fatmawati, pemilik usaha rumahan Tape Manis Madu Paringan, Ponorogo saat menunjukkan tape yang sudah siap dikirim ke konsumen. (Foto : Nazzahilla Ananda/Magang IAIN Ponorogo/TIMES Indonesia)  
Fatmawati, pemilik usaha rumahan Tape Manis Madu Paringan, Ponorogo saat menunjukkan tape yang sudah siap dikirim ke konsumen. (Foto : Nazzahilla Ananda/Magang IAIN Ponorogo/TIMES Indonesia)  

TIMESINDONESIA, PONOROGOTape is a local traditional Indonesian dish made of fermented ingredients, like sticky rice or cassava. Each place has their very own recipe that makes the taste and the texture distinctive from one another. Including Tape Manis Madu Paringan Ponorogo.

Tape has become a common food to find in very corner of the country. But Tape Manis Madu offers an exquisite and texture that makes this food more special. It offers a honey like taste and smooth and sturdy texture with a pleasant tempting smell.

Tape Manis Madu Pringan, Ponorogo is owned by Fatmawati. It's a home industry she runs with her husband. Located at Paringan, Jenangan, Ponorogo, East Java this home industry's product has been well known by the local community for its quality.

This married couple has started the business since 2017. Some people even order their product as a present for the family abroad when they visited them. This is because the sturdy texture that make it preserved well and last longer more than a week.

"Our Tape could last for a week since the day it bought. It's so sturdy and doesn't produce any liquid during the fermentation," Fatmawati explained.

In a day, Tape Mmanis Madu Paringan Ponorogo could produce around 1 tons of cassava to be fermented. However, as sometimes they have to struggle to get the mmaterials for their fermented cassava and could only obtained 1-2 kwintall of cassava in a day.

However, the lack materials doesn't make Tape Manis Madu Paringan, Ponorogo loses it quality. Fatmawati trying to keep the sweet taste of her fermented cassava at most.(*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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