
Enhance Your Astrology at The Equator Monument of Pontianak

Jumat, 22 April 2022 - 06:38 | 33.96k
The Equator pole at Pontianak which was built in 1928. (Foto: Indonesia Kaya)
The Equator pole at Pontianak which was built in 1928. (Foto: Indonesia Kaya)

TIMESINDONESIA, PONTIANAKPontianak, a city in West Kalimantan saved thousands of enchanting places for you to see. One of them is the Equator Monument. This place tells you a secret about the equator that divide between the North and South hemispheres.

Equator Monument is located at Jalan Katulistiwa, North Pontianak, West Kalimantan. This place could be reached within 30 minutes from Pontianak city center.

The pole was built in 1928 by a Dutch geologist. Without using GPS and sophisticated tools, and used only conventional tools they determined the zero degree point separating the two hemispheres.

This monument has 4 main poles with 3.05 meters height fro the 2 front poles, and 4,4 meters height fro the two in the back.

In 1990, a replica of the monument was made with a size of 5 times larger. A dome to cover the original monument was also built to protect it from bad weather that will ruin the true shape of the pole.

Beside the equator pole, you could also find some astronomical things in the dome and the history of the equator pole itself. There are some photographs from 1930s to the present day.

Some important information about the world of astronomy, such as some data about earth, solar system, stars, moon, sun and galaxies could also be found in this building. You could definitely enlarge your astrological knowledge in this building.

As for now, the local government has built some additional building and structures around the monument. The construction were done in 2017. It makes the surrounding of Equator Monument looks so modern and nice and make it worth the visit.(*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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