
These Drinks will be a Good Companion for Your New Years' Eve Celebration

Jumat, 31 Desember 2021 - 13:30 | 47.69k
Various choices of warm drinks to enjoy during the Christmas celebration with your family.
Various choices of warm drinks to enjoy during the Christmas celebration with your family.

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTANew Years' Eve celebration is one of the most-loved moments of the year for everyone. It is the best moment to gather with your family, friends, and beloved ones in a festive and joyful atmosphere. A cup of warm drink will surely complete any gathering events during this celebration.

Here are some recommendations of choices of warm drinks to enjoy during New Year:


Eggnog was originated in Europe during the 17th century. Later, this warm drink became a popular choice of warm drink to enjoy during winter and Christmas, or New Year celebrations in the USA.

Every country uses different ingredients to make a cup of warm eggnog. However, the main ingredients are still the same, with the dominant taste of milk, egg, and wine or sherry. In the USA, eggnog commonly tastes rather sweet with a hint of vanilla and soft egg foam. Many people also like various spices like cinnamon and nutmeg put into their cups of eggnog.


In a glimpse, coquito and eggnog look almost the same, although both of them taste different. Puerto Ricans make coquito with different ingredients, such as condensed milk, cream, coconut milk, spices, and rum, which later shook until foams.


Bombardino is the Italian version of eggnog and coquito. Bombardino is made primarily with egg foam mixed with brandy, whipped cream, and cinnamon powder to enhance the flavor. This beverage becomes a mandatory menu during the a gathering or celebration in Italy.


A cup of hot coffee can also be a good choice of warm drink during New Year celebration. There are also many types of coffee to enjoy, from single origin to house blend. You can also put some milk, creamer, chocolate, or other spices like cinnamon into your cup of coffee.


A cup of warm tea is also a good choice of beverage to enjoy with your family during New Year. Tea has a wide variety of types and serving methods. You can enjoy it hot or cold, mixed with lemon juice, apple, mint leaves, or milk.

Hot chocolate

Hot chocolate can be served in many possible ways to be one of your best companies during a celebration. You can mix it with almost any ingredient with various methods. You can also put some toppings such as marshmallows, sprinkles, or cinnamon powder to enjoy this beverage to the fullest.

Those are our recommendations for the best choices of warm beverages to enjoy during the upcoming New Year celebration with your family or loved ones.

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Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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