
Ultimate Guide to Choosing Houseplants for Indoors

Kamis, 11 November 2021 - 01:30 | 42.66k
Illustration – Guide to choosing houseplants. (PHOTO: iStockphoto) 
Illustration – Guide to choosing houseplants. (PHOTO: iStockphoto) 

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAHouseplants for indoors can be beneficial for some people. Houseplants can be used as decorations, stress reliever and air purifier.

However, some people might get confused at choosing the right houseplants. Quoted from tanamanhiasan,com, here are some ultimate guides to choosing the best houseplants for indoors.

1. Choosing houseplants based on their types

Houseplants are divided into two groups, namely foliage plants and blooming plants. The blooming plants are the best choice for those who want to use houseplants as decorations, such as orchids, adenium, and roses.

Foliage plants can be decorative plants as they have attractive patterns and colorful leaves, such as anthurium, aglaonema and sanseviera.

Houseplants are usually multifunctional. They can be used as a divider or decoration. If you want to use the houseplants as decorations, make sure you pick the colorful ones. Meanwhile, if you want to use them as room dividers, it is better for you to pick ones with large leaves and dense foliage.

Those are the examples of blooming houseplant: anthurium, begonia, spathiphylum and orchid. The foliage houseplants include andiantum, aglaonema, sanseviera, caladium, philodendron, cordyline, dracaena and the list goes on.

2. Choosing houseplants based on durability

tips-Memilih-Bunga.jpgFoto: popmama

The environment can affect the durability of houseplants. The environmental factors that can affect the plant’s durability are light, air circulation, and temperature. The best indoor plants are those who do not need a lot of sunlight, and are resistant to dry air and less air circulation. The plants should also be resistant to the extreme change of temperature during the day and night.

However, houseplants still need to be outdoor for at least once every two weeks. You should put your houseplants outdoor to keep them fresh as they still need some sunlight to photosynthesize.

3. Choosing houseplants based on treatments

Houseplants with different durability also require different treatments. Mostly, houseplants do not require intensive treatment, but the rest of them require intensive cares.

If you are a beginner, you should pick the houseplants that require less intensive treatment.

The best houseplants for beginners are sanseviera, dracaena and philodendron. However, the other plants that need intensive care are aglaonema, anthurium, caladium and orchid.

Decorate your house with indoor houseplants to make your interior look fresher. (*)

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Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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