
Peanut Butter, Delicious and Rich in Benefits

Jumat, 09 Juli 2021 - 02:32 | 47.95k
Illustration – Breakfast with bread and peanut butter. (PHOTO: Orami Photo Stock) - https://www.timesindonesia.co.id/read/news/357244/tak-hanya-nikmat-selai-kacang-kaya-manfaat-lho
Illustration – Breakfast with bread and peanut butter. (PHOTO: Orami Photo Stock) - https://www.timesindonesia.co.id/read/news/357244/tak-hanya-nikmat-selai-kacang-kaya-manfaat-lho

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAPeanut butter is normally used as a spread on a loaf of bread. Despite its use to complement your bread breakfast, peanut butter can also bring many benefits to your health. According to Dokter Sehat, these are the benefits of peanut butter consumption.

Good for Diet

Peanut butter contains various healthy nutrition and monounsaturated fat. Many diet experts recommend peanut butter as a good choice of food that helps in reducing body weight.

Helps Preventing Dangerous Diseases

Various studies prove that peanut butter helps to prevent heart diseases because its contents are not kept inside our body in form of fat. Besides, its content of healthy oil and high protein helps to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

The content of fat from peanut butter turns out to be the same type as the one inside the olive oil, which can help to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol and increase the amount of good cholesterol. For this sole reason, peanut butter is a recommended diet to keep your heart healthy.

The content of unsaturated fat also increases insulin sensitivity, which helps to prevent diabetes type 2.

Rich in Protein

In 100 gram of peanut butter, we can find 25 until 30 gram of protein that will be broken down into amino acid that is useful to restore cell health and body developments.

Rich in Vitamin

Peanut butter has a rich content of vitamin A that is good to maintain a pair of healthy eyes and vitamin C is good for body immunity. Besides, it also contains vitamin E that is good for skin and blood vein health.

Rich in Antioxidant

Peanut butter also has the content of antioxidants, such as folic acid, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, and resveratrol. Resveratrol is exceptionally good to prevent various types of cancer, fungi infection, Alzheimer’s, and heart diseases.

Fret not, peanut butter has numerous benefits to maintain your health.(*)

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Editor : Wahyu Nurdiyanto
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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