
Have an Exquisite Taste of Local Delicacy at Noormans Hotel Semarang

Selasa, 27 April 2021 - 06:51 | 37.06k
Fruits and cocktails served at Noormans Hotel Semarang. (Photographs; Noormans Hotel Semarang for TIMES Indonesia)
Fruits and cocktails served at Noormans Hotel Semarang. (Photographs; Noormans Hotel Semarang for TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, SEMARANG – In order to celebrate Ramadan, Noormans Hotel Semarang brings out a nice experience of tasting the local delicacy at their restaurant. This will be a new way to taste the local delicacy especially during iftar.

Located at Jalan Teuku Umar No 27 Jatingaleh Semarang the hotel offers a nice package for dining for only IDR 70 K/pax.

"For those who wants some privacy with their family, you could enjoy it at our meeting room," Sales Manager Noormans Hotel Semarang, Ticko Dieng said.

Noormans Hotel bThe Cotto Makasar at Noormans Hotel Semarang.

For this dining the hotel will serve you with tasty delicious appetizers, main course, to desserts from the local recipe. "We have the local taste of fritters at De Jawi’s Resto daily," Ticko Dieng said.

Tixko said that all the dishes served will changing regularly fro.day to day soybean guests and customers won't feel bored about it. The guests will also urge to follow the safety protocol standard the hotel has appliedduring this occasion.

"We try to do our best to give you an nice experience dining with the local delicacies as the main menu, and bring you to feel how the locals enjoy their dining," Ticko added.

For more information and reservation about this Food and Beverage package you could contact Ramuna di Noormans Hotel Semarang  on (+62 24) 8601 0999.

Or follow Noormans Hotel Semarang social media account. On Twitter @NoormansSmg, Instagram @noormanshotel and their Facebook page NoormansHotelSmg or their Youtube Noormans Hotel. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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