English UIN Malang

UIN Malang: Things that Makes Ramadan so Special

Sabtu, 17 April 2021 - 02:21 | 69.20k
Miski Mudin, a Professor at IAT Major of UIN Malang. (PHOTO: Miski Mudin For TIMES Indonesia)
Miski Mudin, a Professor at IAT Major of UIN Malang. (PHOTO: Miski Mudin For TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Miski Mudin, S.Th.I., M.Ag, a Professor of the Science of Al Quran and Tafsir of Theology Faculty of UIN Malang explained that there were 5 yjings that makes Ramadan becomes the most special month in Islam.

This statement were delivered on Tuesday during a workshop on their campus on Tuesday (13/4/2021). According to him which took a reference from Imam Nasa'i, thise 5 things are:

1. Month of blessing

Quran as the biggest bless for all the human kind in the earth were said on al-Baqarah [2]: 185 to be delivered by this month. This has become one milestone for all the human kind especially Muslims to take this month as a month which full of blessing.

2. Fasting

Fasting has become an obligation for all Muslims. It was written in al-Baqarah [2]: 183-184. Fasting was not only meant for own good but also to have more sympathy to the poorer. With fasting we could feel how they suffer all this time and it makes us grow our sympathy even bigger.

3. Time to make more good deeds

During Ramadan, even sleeping were considered as good deeds. And your good deeds will be valued millions of millions more than the ordinary day. It doesn't mean that you need to sleep all day, but it's to encourage you doing more and more good deeds during this month.

"Tgere is no reason not to do more good deeds during this month. God has shown us the way, it's up to us to follow the silver line or not,"  Miski Mudin, S.Th.I., M.Ag, a Professor of UIN Malang said.

4. The evil were locked up

Its been said that the evil has been locked up during the Ramadan and they can't seduce you to do evil things. Some questions raised, when they evils being picked, why do we still see some evil things done by human in Ramadan?

Imam al-Qurthubi once said that actually those bad and evil things were not only coming from evil. But sometimes it's coming from yourself. You the only one who could control it. It's you who control yours not the evil. 

5. Best nights to get yourself closer to God

As Quran were delivered by this months and that night were said to be the night where all the angel go down to earth and pray for everything you wish to the God. And this night were known as Lailatul Qadr. It's said the night were coming at the last 7 days of Ramadan.

"This is the best chance for you to fill it with doing much and much more good deeds. Become someone who care more to others. Ramadan allow us to fly up to the sky with the good deeds, without forgetting that wea re still alive in this earth," Miski Mudin of UIN Malang ended. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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