News Commerce Indonesia Bangkit

Have an Authentic Taste of Tempeh Chips at Keripik Tempe Kasih Madiun

Senin, 05 April 2021 - 23:49 | 68.41k
A girl holding a pack of Keripik Tempe Kasih or Kasih tempeh Chips of Madiun. (Ph oto : Lilies Suryanti for TIMES Indonesia)
A girl holding a pack of Keripik Tempe Kasih or Kasih tempeh Chips of Madiun. (Ph oto : Lilies Suryanti for TIMES Indonesia)

Indonesia Bangkit

TIMESINDONESIA, MADIUNTempeh Chips or Keripik Tempe has become a common crackers you could found almost in every corner of Madiun, East Java. You could find lots of store offers such kind of crackers. Just like what Keripik Tempe Kasih, a local store at Madiun did.

Located at Tegalarum RT 07 RW 01, Bendo, Magetan, East Java, Kaeripik Tempe Kasih is a home industry with qualified product. The store is integrated with the workshop which make you able to check the production yourself when you happened to come by to ther shop.

"We use conventional way to produce the tempeh chips. We made it form the very beginning with qualified ingredients and no preservatives," Lilis Suryanti, the owner of Keripik Tempe Kasih said.


To produce a good qualified tempeh chips Lilis only chose the best soy bean. She made it from the basic from boling the soy bean till wrapping it up with leaves and let it fermented to be the tempeh she wanted.

Once the tempeh ready she then slice it and dip it into the batter of rice flour and some spices. It then fried for several minutes till it found a yellowish golden color with crispy taste.

The tasty and savoury taste will be a perfect companion for your coffee or tea time. It will also be a perfect present for your loved one at home. "Lots of people from the commoners to those state official coming fro the chips," Lilis added.

Not only at Keripik Tempe Kasih or Kasih Tempeh Chips shop, you could find this delicious treat at the local souvenir shop or local market of Madiun, East Java. Some local restaurant could also be one place to find this tempeh chips. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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