
Get Your Favorite Food at Dapur Eta

Sabtu, 13 Maret 2021 - 03:54 | 24.71k
Chicken curry with Indian flatbread ala Dapur Eta. (Photo: BukaPo)
Chicken curry with Indian flatbread ala Dapur Eta. (Photo: BukaPo)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTADapur Eta is a local kitchen which serve several the local dishes. These dishes has such typical homey taste that will make your longing homey food washed away.

Dapur Eta loads of jomey food such as Fried Rice, Fried Noodle, Brownies, Samosa, Indian Flatbread, and some cookies.

Before the pandemic, she could earn some profit from the nonstop order she had daily. But during this pandemic she had some issue in distributing and her food to the customers. 

But now she joined BukaPo, an online marketplace to display her food and appeal the customers to taste it. "It's suitable to our need during this unprecedented crisis," Eta, the owner of Dapur Eta said.

BukaPo is based in Bali. It's aimed to help the local entrepreneurs to be able to distribute their products to their customers. It help the customers stay in track during this crisis.

For those who would like to have some of Dapur Eta foods, you could find the online food shop at www.bukapo.net. but you need to do a pre order before you get your food on the due date. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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