
The Students of Junior High of Gresik Made Environmental  Friendly Diapers

Jumat, 26 Februari 2021 - 01:34 | 45.41k
The students of Mts Ihyaul Ulum Junior High School of Gresik, East Java who won silver medal at AISEEF. (Photo: Akmal/TIMES Indonesia)
The students of Mts Ihyaul Ulum Junior High School of Gresik, East Java who won silver medal at AISEEF. (Photo: Akmal/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, GRESIK – A group of students of Mts Ihyaul Ulum Junior High School of Gresik, East Java won a silver medal at AISEEF (Asean Internasional Sciense Enveromental and Enterpreneur Fair). They got the medal for their good work, ie. creating environmental friendly diapers.

The announcement was conducted at the closing day of AISEFF. The students watch the announcement live on YouTube on Tuesday (23/2/2021).

Pelangi, the Chief of the team said that the idea was coming towards their concern of the massive number of diapers waste around their area. They then made a research to help to reduce the waste.


They come up with an idea of creating an environmental friendly diaper. Rge conducted a research for 6 month consecutively. They finally found the perfect formula to create the diaper.

"Lots of people hasn't been aware of the danger of those diapers to environment. They are definitely hard to be degraded," Pelangi said on Wednesday (24/2/2021).

The gal in the diapers were made of orange peel and avocado peel extracts. Those two were believed to have polysaccharide and saponin. Polysaccharide has a role as the substitute of the gel. Meanwhile saponin becomes anti irritant agent.

"We know that it's far from perfect, but we are absolutely blessed and honored to be able to huve some contribution to the environment," Eksiola, the member of the group said.

One of the judges of AISEEF (Asean Internasional Science Environmental and Entrepreneur Fair) from Institut Pertanian Bogor suggested them to make it commercial.  This environmental friendly diapers will be a sight for this sore world. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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