
Dodola Island of Morotai Offers The Beauty of Underwater

Selasa, 12 Januari 2021 - 23:00 | 75.64k
The Head of Bappeda of Morotai, Abjan Sofyan diving at Fodola Morotai Island with Gomo Diving crew. (Photo: Abjan for TIMES Indonesia)
The Head of Bappeda of Morotai, Abjan Sofyan diving at Fodola Morotai Island with Gomo Diving crew. (Photo: Abjan for TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MOROTAI – Morotai has been well known with its underwater beauty. One of the most interesting spot to go is at Dodola Island. This place has such a stunning underwater view for you who love to dive.

Located at the north wing of Halmahera, North Maluku not only dodola Island, Morotai also embraces several other beautiful island such as Mitita, Kokoya, Kapa Kapa, Lum Lum, Zum Zum, Kolorai, Galo Galo and Ngele Ngele island.

As any other islands around Morotai, Dodola Island will give you an amazing experience of diving with school of fishes and the beauty of corals and reefs. The most amazing thing is that you could enjoy diving with some turtles, a true exotic experience you would never found somewhere else.

You could also have another nerve challenging experience with shark feeding at Gorango Morotai (Gomo). You could also try to pet them at Mitita Point which you could reach within 30 minutes by boat from Morotai.

"I have been exploring almost all diving spot at North Maluku. But to me, Fodola Point gave me the best unforgettable experiences," Putra Toboko Ternate, Abjan Sofyan said on Monday (11/1/2021).

Abjan also said that all the beauty especially the hidden underwater paradise has made Dodola Island of Morotai becomes such a worth place to go for your holiday. "For all divers, they must to visit this place, it's perfect place to go," Abjan added.

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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