
Eco Plafon Sits as the First Runner Up at WICE 2020

Senin, 26 Oktober 2020 - 04:12 | 66.31k
Kayyisa Addaba Albab and Ilham Jamalluddin Najiib the participants of WICE 2020pose together with the Headmaster of SMA Negeri 1 Lamongan, Sofyan Hadi. (PHOTO: SMAN 1 Lamongan for TIMES Indonesia)
Kayyisa Addaba Albab and Ilham Jamalluddin Najiib the participants of WICE 2020pose together with the Headmaster of SMA Negeri 1 Lamongan, Sofyan Hadi. (PHOTO: SMAN 1 Lamongan for TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, LAMONGAN – Two students of SMA Negeri 1 (State Senior High School 1) Lamongan joined World Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) 2020. They brought their idea of creating eco plafon to minimalize the global warming.

Those two students are Kayyisa Addaba Albab and Ilham Jamalluddin Najiib. The eco plafon concept the brought introduce a friendly ceiling that could absorbs the heat and make your house stay cool in summer.

SMAN 1 Lamongan 2

This ceiling made of the local barnacle or mussels waste that could be easily found in Lamongan. They also added some betel leaves which took an important role on the cooling part.

“The idea came out when we were at the classroom and there was no teacher at that time. We played with our phones and it was so hot though the Ac has been turned on. We found out that the phone radiation has made the room hotter than ever,” Kayyisa said.  

From the deduction, they decided to try to reduce the radiation with betel leaves. They also use mussel shells to keep the room cooler in the day. After being tested with the device needed, it came out that their ceiling could become a useful radiation reducer.

For a piece of ceiling with 30 centimeters in diameter with 0,8 centimeter of thickness they need around 400 grams of betel leaves, 500 grams of mussel shells, and 200 grams of cement.

This eco plafon has helped them both to take the first runner up position on World Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) 2020. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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