
Have a Magnificent Scenery at Kasap Beach Pacitan

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2020 - 02:00 | 151.48k
Kasap Beach of Pacitan gives the visitors picturesque spots for selfie. (Foto: Piknikdong.com)
Kasap Beach of Pacitan gives the visitors picturesque spots for selfie. (Foto: Piknikdong.com)

TIMESINDONESIA, PACITAN – Indonesia has millions of beaches with stunning view. Yet some of them hasn’t been explored and sometimes located in unreachable area. However, there are some breathtaking beaches that could be reached easily such as Kasap Beach Pacitan.  

Located an hour away from the city center this beach could be accessed with any vehicle you have. This place has hooked up every visitor’s heart with its beauty.


Lots of local celebrities made this beach as their favorite place to go when they happened to cross the city.

Long story short, its beauty has been compared to one of world’s destination, Raja Ampat in Papua.

The vas stretched white sand on the beach, the crystal clear water of the ocean, and nice atmosphere has made this place completely a perfect beach to spend your leisure time.


Plus, a nice wind breeze, the lush of green trees, amazing sound of birds chirping and beautiful sunset will await you in the late afternoon.

You can enjoy all these beautiful sceneries at Kasap Beach Pacitan for only IDR 3 – 5 K. it’s such a super affordable price to get all those unforgettable experience. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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