Kopi TIMES Universitas Islam Malang

Teaching English for 21st Century Students

Senin, 21 September 2020 - 12:30 | 32.51k
Umiati Ru’yah, Muamalat Scholar Awardee.
Umiati Ru’yah, Muamalat Scholar Awardee.

Universitas Islam Malang

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Nowadays Globalization Era has been happen in our country. We will get effect or impact because of this globalization. It can give impact for many people especially teenagers in our country. Why should be teenagers? Because teenagers is easy to be influenced by all side which is good or even bad. Whereas, teenagers have gotten best education from their school.

Many cases happen because teenagers of globalization such robbering, free sex, narcotics and etc. This impact can not be handle anymore, but can be prevent with good teaching to student in order they can be easy even like taking the effect from globalization era which happen in this 21st century.

This 21st century students has been more influenced by outside world. Globalization have big influence about this changing. But as I have told before, many ways to prevent bad changing happen. The most important thing is learning English. Why should be English? Because when we understand about English, we can select and choose the good one and the bad one.


English is international language. The students should learn English more well in order they can competitive and get the best one in this globalization era. But often to be happened is they often forget even underestimate English. They start to unlike and lazy to learn English. But there are many ways that support in order they try to learn and like English. Those are :

Learn more about vocab.

Here is learn more about vocab. Two vocabularies that have same meaning, can be different by students. Vocabulary that have given by teacher  should look for the differences by themselves. When they get best result according their own struggling, they will be happy because they have found their potential.

Many outdoor activities.

Most students like more outdoor activities. Why? Because they can do many activities at outdoor, the students can make communication with nature. By doing that, they can receive the knowledge easily because of nature help them.


Singing song learning.

This way most like by the students. Brain will receive many songs which the content is lesson and more understand about the song that have been made suitable with the lesson.

Watch English movie.

By doing this way, we will understand English easily. For example watching Hollywood film which there are English and Indonesian subtitle. By doing that, they can understand the grammar which often to do in native speaker's conversation. After that, they should look for the main idea of that film.

Those ways that we can do to develop our English skills for students in this 21st century. English has important side in world communication system. By learning English we can select which one is better for our life. Teaching English only can be developed seriously in teenager period, but do not forget we should oftenly to do practice in order what we do has disappear to be eaten by time. Those ways that we can do as the next generation. In order we can increase the name of Indonesia in international world. Teachers can help by giving best education for student in school period.


*) The Writer: Umiati Ru’yah, Muamalat Scholar Awardee.

*) This opinion is the sole responsibility of the author, not the responsibility of the editorial staff of timesindonesia.co.id

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Editor : AJP-5 Editor Team
Publisher : Rochmat Shobirin


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