
Probolinggo will Reopen All Their Tourist Destinations

Rabu, 12 Agustus 2020 - 04:02 | 47.21k
The tourist visit P-30 Peak at Wonokerso, Sumber, Probolinggo. (PHOTO: Imas for TIMES Indonesia)
The tourist visit P-30 Peak at Wonokerso, Sumber, Probolinggo. (PHOTO: Imas for TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, PROBOLINGGO – The local government of Probolinggo decided to reopen all their tourist destinations. Yet they will keep watch all the tourist destinations to follow the government and WHO suggestion of standard protocol.

The local government of Probolinggo planned to reopen all their tourist destinations on Wednesday (12/8/3020). You could once again put some of their iconic tourist destination such as Mount Bromo, P-30 Peak and more on your itinerary.

"Everyone will have to wear a mask, wash their hand as often as possible, and do a physical distancing, The Head of local Youth, Sport, Culture and Tourism of Probolinggo Soegeng Wijyanto said.

Still according to him, all this standard protocol was done for the sake of the visitors. Those who doesn't wear mask on their face will be sent back and aren't allowed to enter the attractions.

They have already installed several equipment needed for this project. They will also limit the number of the visitors to only 40 percent of their normal capacity. "The rule goes to all except for Bromo National Park. Its belong to the Ministry's (responsibility)," he added.

Beside P-30 Peak and Bromo, there will be around 29 more of tourist destinations will be reopened at the same day by the local government of Probolinggo. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan


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