
Buy Now, Stay Later: The New Promotion from Hotel 88 Embong Malang at Surabaya

Jumat, 10 Juli 2020 - 03:24 | 43.39k
The service at Hotel 88 Embong Malang. (PHOTO: Hotel 88)Tuesday, July 7, 2020
The service at Hotel 88 Embong Malang. (PHOTO: Hotel 88)Tuesday, July 7, 2020

TIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYAHotel 88 Embong Malang, a hotel in Surabaya offers a new interesting promotion to welcome the new normal. ‘Buy Now, Stay Later’ is the name of the promotion, which offers up to 10% discount by making a reservation via the website at www.hotel88.co.id.

Hotel 88 Embong Malang Surabaya has a commitment to implement the health and safety protocols for its guests and staff to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

This safety and health protocols recommend wearing face masks, checking body temperature, washing hands before entering the hotel, and spraying disinfectant regularly in the hotel rooms and public areas.

Not only implementing the safety and health protocols, but the management department also delivers a regular socialization to the staff about hygiene. The staff are given personal protective equipment, such as face mask, gloves, and face shield.

 “By obeying the safety and health protocols, we expect that our staff will be working comfortably, as well as protecting our guests from the Coronavirus infection,” said Galih Timur, the Hotel Manager of Hotel 88 Embong Malang to TIMES Indonesia on Tuesday (7/7/20).

A significant change can also be seen in the layout of the meeting room and restaurant. The layout was changed according to the standard physical distancing measures.

 “We are implementing safety and health protocols so that our guests can feel comfortable and safe during their stay here,” said Galih Timur, the Hotel Manager of Hotel 88 Embong Malang. (*)

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Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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