
Are You Planning to Have a Baby During Coronavirus? Check This Out

Rabu, 01 April 2020 - 02:23 | 43.03k
Illustration - Pregnant Woman. (PHOTO: parenting)
Illustration - Pregnant Woman. (PHOTO: parenting)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAHave you planned for a baby yet? Oh well, if you haven't, you better check this and reconsider your plan, whether would it be wise to hold off or continue with your plan during this coronavirus issue.

Dr. Dicky Faisal sp.And, an obstetrician said that he suggested all couples that planned to have a baby in the meantime to stop their plan for temporary.

"We are not sure about the virus yet. Whether will it affect the baby in the womb or not since there was no clinical study about it," Faisal said.

Still according to him, if the father or the mother carriedthe virus will they give it to the fetus. There are no clear evidence about it but it's better that everyone stay alert, he said.

Meanwhile, he suggested for the couple who planned to have a baby to focus on certain nutrients they need to have the baby especially the mother.

"Planning to have a baby during this coronavirus is still gray, and we better not be a Guinea pigs for it," Faisal added. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Adhitya Hendra


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