
Mount Argo Lawe, a Hidden Paradise of Trenggalek

Rabu, 26 Februari 2020 - 02:34 | 20.95k
The greenish scenery that will mesmerize your eyes once you visit Mount Argo Lawe in Trenggalek. (PHOTO: tanggaran-pule.trenggalekkab.go.id)
The greenish scenery that will mesmerize your eyes once you visit Mount Argo Lawe in Trenggalek. (PHOTO: tanggaran-pule.trenggalekkab.go.id)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Some people wouldn't know that Trenggalek has hundreds of hidden paradise around the area. One of them is Mount Argo Lawe. Located inTanggaran, Pule, Trenggalek, East Java, this place won't make you to stop admiring its beauty.

As any other Mountain in Indonesia, Mount Argo Lawe offered you the enchanted greenish scenery all around. This place has such a mesmerizing natural beauty that will make you consider of spending your old time with your loved one.

In the early morning to almost noon, this place will be covered in thick cloud. You need to wear your jacket on every of those time since the weather will be cold enough like you were in a refrigerator.

The Argo Lawe is located in950 Mdpl above the sea level. The local government make a stairway to ease all the hikers reaching this mountain's peak.

The local government also added several interesting spot for selfie and some shade to rest after a long track of hiking. "Make sure you are in fit condition before you hike, since the track is long enough," Reny, a regular hikers of Mount Argo Lawe said.

The local government of Trenggalek also built some food shop for those who would like to have some light meal or coffee after hiking Mount Argo Lawe and to erase the cold. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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