
Several Local Boy Scouts Did a Beach Cleaning in Bali to Commemorate the Baden Powell Day

Rabu, 19 Februari 2020 - 02:08 | 57.23k
The boy scouts do deforestation on the beach shore at Saba Beach, Bali. (Photo: Pramuka Blabatuh Gianyar)
The boy scouts do deforestation on the beach shore at Saba Beach, Bali. (Photo: Pramuka Blabatuh Gianyar)

TIMESINDONESIA, DENPASAR – Several boy scouts of SMA Negeri 1 Blahbatuh (State High School of Blahbatuh) Bali conducted a beach cleaning in Saba Beach in order to commemorate the Baden Powell day.

"We think it's such a good activity to honor the Baden Powell day. As well to take the youngsters especially these boy scouts to love the nature more," the Chief Scout of Gugus Depan 01.085-01.086, I Ketut Sulatra said on Sunday (16/2/2020).


Still according to him there are around 70 people joining the act. Furthermore, this activities were intended to strengthen the bound between the boy scouts member.

Beside the beach cleaning, the boy scout were also do some deforestation on the beach shore. They also do a visit to the local orphanage and share some happiness with them.

Another Chief of Scout I Nyoman Krisnayana said that the beach cleaning conducted by the boy scouts in Saba Beach Bali and several other social acts they held were hope to give them a space to bring their ideas to live and enhance their social side more. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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