
Karinding, a Traditional Music Instrument that Need to be Preserved

Jumat, 14 Februari 2020 - 03:33 | 34.99k
A guy played Karinding at a workshop in Sukun, Malang. (Photo: Delfi/TIMES Indonesia)
A guy played Karinding at a workshop in Sukun, Malang. (Photo: Delfi/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – https://timesindonesia.co.id/read/news/249701/mengenal-sosok-bejo-pembuat-karinding-yang-hampir-punah

Karinding is a folks music instrument of Malang. This music instrument could be categorized as a rare or could be said almost extinct one since there are no much people left to be able to play it.

Nowadays, people are tend to choose to play the modern instruments rather than the traditional one. But a guy named is trying to bring back the old music instrument to live.

Bejo who lives in Sukun Malang stated his concern towards the Karinding for no one has ever been played the instrument for a long time.

Karinding is also well known as jaw harp. You need to put it on your mouth and with a little help of your finger to use it. This instrument usually made of bamboo or metal.

Bejo works from his workshop to make this instrument. His concern was started when he saw a video about a music museum in Holland that kept almost all Indonesian folks instrument.

"I started making Karinding once I saw the video, if Holland could have done it, why wouldn't we as Indonesian?," he stated his concern.

Bejo made all the Karinding from Bamboo. Bamboo is chosen for it's easier to find and more eco friendly. He hope that someone or may be the government will stand and help him to preserve this music instrument(*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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