
Enjoy the Beauty of Sunrise at Karang Kenek 26 Situbondo

Senin, 27 Januari 2020 - 08:20 | 36.44k
The mesmerizing sunrise at Karang Kenek Situbondo. (Picture by: Uday/TIMES Indonesia)
The mesmerizing sunrise at Karang Kenek Situbondo. (Picture by: Uday/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, SITUBONDOSitubondo has an amazing tourist destination called as Karang Kenek 26. Located in Olean, Situbondo this place offered a beautiful sunset scenery in the evening.

This place is a perfect place to go with your family or friends. Its equipped with pool, educational spot, painting area, and other attraction for you and your kids.

The management also provides the visitors with some shade to rest their leg and protect them from the heat. There are flower bed planted on every corner of the place.

In the evening, this place will give a beautiful scenery of sunset. "I used to come here in the evening to avoid the heat. I will usually spend my time under the shade while watching my babies swimming in the pool," Fathur Rahman a local visitor said.

Karang Kenek could welcome hundreds of visitor in a day. Most of them are coming from the local area. However, this place has become very popular lately for the beautiful scenery it has.

Karang Kenek 26 could be accessed in 15 minutes from the Situbondo city center. The place could be accessed with any type of vehicle.(*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok
Sumber : TIMES Situbondo


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