
Piscok Pilems Try to Introduce Local Culture of Magetan via YouTube Channel

Rabu, 22 Januari 2020 - 06:46 | 40.51k
Piscok Pilems crew on roll at SD Klagen Gambiran Kec. Maospati Magetan. (Picture by: M Kilat Adinugroho/TIMES Indonesia)
Piscok Pilems crew on roll at SD Klagen Gambiran Kec. Maospati Magetan. (Picture by: M Kilat Adinugroho/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MAGETAN – A group of local community of Magetan trying to introduce their local culture through their YouTube channel. Their channel is so called as Piscok Pilems which showed the local culture through their movies.

"Most of our movie brings the local issue into comedy. And it came to my surprise that lots of people like our movie," M. Arif Widiyanto, the producer of Piscok Pilems said on Monday (20/1/2020).

Their very first movie Konangan Polisi (busted by the police) that told the local issue where normally Indonesian will avoid getting arrested by the police for little matter has had 5.45 viewers.

Another movie of them, Maospati Medot Janji has even had 8 K viewers. Piscok Pilems wrap the local issue with comedy with a thick way of Magetan people speak.

They also give positive note at the end of each movie. For now, they has gained around 2.470 subscribers that willingly wait for another new movie from them.

Not only introducing Magetan through their movie, Piscok Pilems also holds several social service by cleaning the local park as one of their social responsibility along with several other group on the beginning of January 2020. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan


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