
The Bamboo Craftsman in Banyuwangi Granted with a Bamboo Shaver Machine

Kamis, 24 Oktober 2019 - 02:31 | 49.94k
Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) team of Poliwangi created a bamboo shaver machine for the Banyuwangi craftsman. (Picture by : Roghib Mabrur/Times Indonesia)
Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) team of Poliwangi created a bamboo shaver machine for the Banyuwangi craftsman. (Picture by : Roghib Mabrur/Times Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, BANYUWANGI – Weaving bamboo and creating some crafts has become a daily activities for the local community of Gintangan Gintangan, Blimbingsari, Banyuwangi, East Java. Regarding to the situation some students of Poliwangi which conducting social service grant them with bamboo shaver machine.

Their concern was arisen when they saw the craftsman shaving the bamboo manually as what Amanto, the owner of 'Karya Nyata' workshop does daily. This man shave the bamboo before being woven manually with a knife.


"We hope that this machine could help them work more effectively and could support their productivity in making more more crafts," Ika Yuniwati S.Pd., M. Si, The chief of the social service group said on Wednesday (23/10/2019).

The machine looks so simple and portable. It doesnt take much space and easily to be operated. It needs 900 watt electric capacity to be operated and could shave a bamboo in a second. Where as the manual way will take around 4 seconds for a bamboo stick.


As one of the craftsman in Banyuwangi that received the bamboo shaver machine by the Poliwangi students, Amanto feels blessed and so helped. He appreciates much upon the help and hope that his business will grow more with the help of the machine. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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