
Festival Indonesia will be Held for 3 Days in Perth

Selasa, 22 Oktober 2019 - 03:22 | 108.40k
The General Consulate of Indonesia and Indonesian Society in Perth were discussing about the out coming Festival Indonesia 2019. (Picture by: Istimewa)
The General Consulate of Indonesia and Indonesian Society in Perth were discussing about the out coming Festival Indonesia 2019. (Picture by: Istimewa)

TIMESINDONESIA, PERTH – The General Consulate of Indonesia along with Indonesian Society in Perth will hold Festival Indonesia 2019 in Elizabeth Quay, Perth. This Festival will be held for 3 days starting from October 25 - 27 2019.

This Festival which is intended to celebrate the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Australia will be open for public and free.


There will be lots of cultural show, people's market, some tourist destination fairs, cullinary spot, traditional kids game and many more. Rendang, bakso, satay, soto, Tempe will also be available on this Festival.

Festival Indonesia was formerly known as the Kreasi Indonesia. This event is held annually since 2015. This event has managed to take so much attention from the visitors from years to years.

Lots of Indonesian will be willingly participate as a volunteer on the event. Some of them will be the guest of honor along with the other visitors from Perth.

This year, the General Consulate of Indonesia is planning to held a bigger event and change the name to Festival Indonesia which sounds easier to listen.

The Festival Indonesia will also held a cultural workshop beside some performance of some chosen Indonesian artists who lived in Perth. (*)


**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan


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