
Amazing! Kluncing Village in Banyuwangi Has Crystal-Clear Drainage Canals

Minggu, 20 Oktober 2019 - 13:27 | 60.79k

TIMESINDONESIA, BANYUWANGI – A village in the slope of Mount Ijen has crystal-clear drainage canals just like in Japan, isn’t it amazing? The locals in this village, Kluncing Village, which is also known as Kampoeng Ikan, also use the drainage canals to pet different kinds of fish.

 “We pet many kinds of fish, such as Goldfish, Tombro, Nile Tilapia, Pomfret, and Catfish. However, we only keep the broodstock fish in the sewer,” said one of the management officers, Rusady Awanto, on Friday (18/10/2019).

The 800-meter drainage canal is now clean. Eight months ago, Rusady Awanto, who is also known as Wawan, worked along with other locals to clean up the drainage canals.

They were concerned about the garbage and waste piling up around the drainage canals. In fact, the water streaming down this canal is very fresh and cold. That’s why, the locals decided to overcome this problem.

They began with cleaning up the drainage canals and educating the locals about garbage disposal and fish farming.

Currently, hundreds of colorful fish swim in the crystal-clear water streaming down the drainage canals in front of each house. Besides, the fresh and cold air of Mount Ijen will make everyone feel calm and peaceful.

The locals also apply minapadi (rice-fish) system by combining fish farming and rice cultivating.

 “When the fish is one month of age, we move them into the rice field with minapadi system, 15 days prior to the harvest time. Then, we move the fish into the cage on the next three months,” he said.

Fish farming using minapadi system gives more benefits to the farmers. According to them, they do not have to spend too much expense on the fertilizer, as the fish waste can be an organic fertilizer.

Since then, Kampoeng Ikan Desa Kluncing in Banyuwang, has become a new educational tourism destination. (*)

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Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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