
Guinness Food Pairing Experience Took You to Taste the Indonesian Dishes

Minggu, 20 Oktober 2019 - 05:31 | 65.36k
Guinness Chef Representative Renatta Moeloek at the Guinness Food Pairing Experience di Holy Wings, Surabaya. (Picture by: Istimewa)
Guinness Chef Representative Renatta Moeloek at the Guinness Food Pairing Experience di Holy Wings, Surabaya. (Picture by: Istimewa)

TIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYA – Guinness a worldwide beer company held another food pairing event namely known as the Guinness Food Pairing Experience. This event was held in the Holy Wings, Surabaya, on Friday (18/10/2019).

Taking Renata Moeloek as the Guinness Chef Representative the event takes you to taste Guinness Foreign Extra Stout (FES) beer while paired with the Indonesian dishes starting from the appetizer to the dessert.

The strong spices of Indonesian food combined with the beer gives an exotic strong taste which surprisingly very good. There were lots of food from different places of the country which was combined with the Beer on that moment.

“If last year we only explore the taste of the main course combined with beer, this time we also explore the taste of Indonesian desserts combined with our beer," The Brand Manager of Guinness Bayu Hanandhika said.

On the occasion, Chef Renata cooked two main dishes, the Sate Klopo (coconut Satay-Typical food of Surabaya) and the Nasi Cumi Guinness (Guinness Squid Rice). Both of the dishes gives a spectacular taste when its accompanied with the Guinnes FES beer.

Surabaya is the first place where Guinness Food Pairing Experience 2019 is held. Meanwhile, the same event was also planned to be held in another area such as Manado, Medan and Jakarta. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan


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