
The Kinalun Plantain is Ready to be Distributed Worldwide

Rabu, 16 Oktober 2019 - 15:07 | 56.17k
The plantains harvesting time in Luhak, 50 Kota, West Sumatera on Sunday (13/10/2019). (Picture by: Kementan RI)
The plantains harvesting time in Luhak, 50 Kota, West Sumatera on Sunday (13/10/2019). (Picture by: Kementan RI)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – The Ministry of Agriculture through The Tropical Fruit Research and Development Institute a.k.a Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah (Balitbu) Tropika just harvested Kinalun plantain farm in Luhak, 50 Kota, West Sumatera on Sunday (13/10/2019).

"We are cooperated with the Kiniko company to raise the economical value for this plantain. Kinalun plantain is a superior variety which could resist the whitered and fusarium," Ellina Mansyah, The Chief of Tropical Fruit Research and Development Institute said.

Still according to her, in order to create a superior variety based on sophisticated technology of plantain she and her team has conducted several researchs for Kinalunplantain. She also said that the plantain will be a good banana flour material and other banana products.

Kinalun plantain is could bear 8 to 9 bunches of banana with 12-18 kg in weight. Each bunch will consist of 12-14 plantain with 10-14 cm long. For a first trial Ellina and friends plants a tr round 200 banana trees on the farm.

"Kinalun plantain is ready to be worldwide distributed, and we need some booster to make it come true, and PT. Kiniko is the right company to do that part," The Chief of Tropical Fruit Research and Development Institute said.

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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