
Can Lemon Cure Dandruff?

Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2019 - 07:34 | 73.37k
Lemon. (PHOTO: topinspired.com)
Lemon. (PHOTO: topinspired.com)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTADandruff can be a very annoying problem. Not only does dandruff make your scalp itchy, but it also ruins your hair. Most people use lemon to cure dandruff. But, can lemon cure dandruff?

Applying some lemon water on your scalp is proven to be effective in curing dandruff. Cited from Klik Dokter, a research shows that lemon extract can cure dandruff.

Lemon is rich in vitamin C and citric acid, which is proven to be effective in getting rid of dead skin cells on the scalp.

Citric acid in lemon can help exfoliating. But, it is not effective if it is applied directly to the scalp.

If you want to cure dandruff, you should not only use lemon extract. You should wash your hair at least 2-3 times a week with anti-dandruff shampoo, or you may also consult your doctor to cure it right away. (*)

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Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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