
The 45th Indonesia's Cultural Dining Series Performed Angklung Nusantara to Pamper the Customers

Selasa, 17 September 2019 - 01:24 | 60.02k
Angklung Nusantara performance. (Picture by: Naufal Ardiansyah/TIMES Indonesia)
Angklung Nusantara performance. (Picture by: Naufal Ardiansyah/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – On its 45th Indonesia's Cultural Dining Series, Hotel Tugu or Tugu Hotel Malang brought the harmonious Angklung Nusantara to the stage. This monthly event which was aimed to preserve the local culture was hope to be able to pamper their customers.

Inscribed in 2010 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of UNESCO, Angklung is an Indonesian musical instrument consisting of two to four bamboo tubes suspended in a bamboo frame, bound with rattan cords.


“Lots of people ignoring or neglecting the local culture. That's why this event held monthly just to remind us of how beautiful is our culture and to preserve and love it more," the Public Relation of Hotel Tugu Malang Richard Wardana, said on Sunday (15/9/2019).


This instruments were performed harmoniously by the Paguyuban Angklung (Angklung community) Lawang. Some local songs such as Gambang Suling, Kidung Wahyu Kolosebo, Banyu Langit were presented on the occasion.

To accompany the beautiful music by Angklung Nusantara, on the 45th Indonesia's Cultural Dining Series the Tugu Hotel or Hotel Tugu Malang also served some delicious dishes such as Nasi Rawon, Nasi Buk, Rendang Padang, Tugu Risjtaffel and many more. (*)

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Editor : Yatimul Ainun
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki
Sumber : TIMES Malang


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