
The Amazing Car Free Day Program in Malioboro

Rabu, 24 Juli 2019 - 09:25 | 135.21k
Jogjabike prepared around 100 bikes for the visitors. (Picture by: Istimewa/TIMES Indonesia)
Jogjabike prepared around 100 bikes for the visitors. (Picture by: Istimewa/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, YOGYAKARTA – Yesterday was the day where Malioboro had no motor vehicle on the street. Yes, there were only pedal bikes that allowed to pass through that street in Yogyakarta due to the Car Free Day program.

The local government issued the order to only use the pedal bike around the Malioboro street since they will use the area for some event they held. And this order was issued to anticipate the surge of vehicle and traffic jam around the area.

"This event will be held on every Selasa Wage (in a Tuesday of a Javanese calendar). You could enjoy the car free day at Malioboro with the bicycle," the Mayor of Yogyakarta, Haryadi Suyuti said on Monday (22/7/2019).

Meanwhile, the marketing communication of Jogjabike had add more bicycke fleet. This to make sure all the people who willingly to join the event had their own chance to try to pedal their bike on the Malioboro street.

"We have around 100 bikes ready to be rent. Its not hard to get our bike, all you need is just to show ur ID card and you could get a bike from us," Marketing Communications of Jogjabike, Salsabila Fidayanti said towards the Car Free Day Program in Malioboro Yogyajarta. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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