
Tasty Crispy Homemade Choy Sum Chips

Selasa, 23 Juli 2019 - 00:27 | 53.22k
Some students sells the choy sum chips in front of the Arek Lancor Monument, Pamekasan. (Picture by: Akhmad Syafi'i/TIMES Indonesia)
Some students sells the choy sum chips in front of the Arek Lancor Monument, Pamekasan. (Picture by: Akhmad Syafi'i/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, PAMEKASAN – The students of Universitas Madura (Madura University) create a crispy and tasty chips made of choy sum. This action is due to the social service the held on the Bulay, Pamekasan area.

"This chips has a good potential to be created as a snack. And this business is very suitable for the local community since most of them works as a farmer," Ulul Azmi the group coordinator said.

Still according to him there are two variants of flavour of the chips, the original and the spicy one. In addition, they also made another chips made of sago during the social service they held.

Sago is a starch extracted from the spongy centre, or pith, of various tropical palm stems. This chip is quiet unique since it doesnt need to be fried. They cook it on sand, without using any oil.

Not just that, the students of Universitas Madura (Madura University) also packed the Choy Sum and the Sago chips in an stylish modern pack. This is to make the products more valuable in the market. In the mean time, they planned to cooperate and get some loan from the local government to be able to continue their business.(*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok
Sumber : TIMES Madura


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