
Four Benefits of Apple for Our Health

Minggu, 23 Juni 2019 - 01:21 | 37.03k
Apples (PHOTO: Dokter Sehat)
Apples (PHOTO: Dokter Sehat)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Apple has various benefits for our skin and health due to its high level of antioxidant and flavonoid that could prevent the risk of dangerous diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. By consuming apple regularly, you can get many benefits of apple to your health.

Here are some benefits of eating apple cited from Boldsky.

1. Keep your heart healthy

Apple could decrease the risk of heart disease by lowering the level of bad cholesterol and increasing the level of good cholesterol. Apple contains soluble fiber and polyphenol that could keep your heart healthy and lower the blood pressure. A research proves that eating apple could decrease the risk of stroke.

2. Help you lose weight

Apple is the source of fiber that could make you feel full longer. A research shows that consuming a slice of apple before eating could help you eat less. Another study proves that 50 women that eat apple have managed to lose 1 kg and eat less calories.

3. Decrease the risk of diabetes

Apple contains polyphenol that could decrease the risk of diabetes. Polyphenol could prevent the beta cell damage in pancreas. Beta cells produce insulin for the body. It is usually damaged in diabetes type 2.

4. Prevent cancer

Phytochemical in apple could decrease the risk of cancer. A study states that consuming apple could prevent cancer.

Another study shows that eating one apple or more could decrease the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer by 18% and 20% respectively.

Those are the benefits of eating apple that you can get. You can try consuming apple regularly to maintain your skin and body health. (*)

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Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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