
Magetan Presents You a Good Quality of Leather Product

Senin, 25 Maret 2019 - 00:08 | 48.85k
A girl is doing some finishing on the shoesA girl is doing some finishing on the shoes
A girl is doing some finishing on the shoesA girl is doing some finishing on the shoes

TIMESINDONESIA, MAGETAN – Do you like leather products? Well, Pusat Kerajinan Kulit Jamrud Magetan is a perfect place for you to go. This city has been known with its leather products like shoes, bags, clutches etc.

In this area, the visitors will be taken to Aminu tour where they could see how they process the leather from just a sheet to become shoes or bags.

"We sell it online too, there are lots of retailer which will buy in a big number then sell it back in their city," Kirana Wulan, a shop owner said.

Still according to her, Magetan leather product has a good quality, lots of people has proofed by using it for years. It has become another selling point for the products.

Meanwhile still according to Wulan, it doesn't need a big capital to do this business, you only need around IDR 2-4 M to start the business and you will get twice profit.

What do you think? Interesting to have one their leather product? You could visit their store at Jalan Sawo, Selosari, Magetan or find their shop at the internet. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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