
The Medical Students of UIN Malang Became the Winners of Scientific Writing Competition in Untan

Minggu, 24 Maret 2019 - 11:30 | 38.85k
Moh. Daffa and Falaq Agastya, the Medical students of UIN Malang has attained an achievement in the Equator City of Indonesia. (Photo: ajp.TIMES Indonesia)
Moh. Daffa and Falaq Agastya, the Medical students of UIN Malang has attained an achievement in the Equator City of Indonesia. (Photo: ajp.TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANGFK UIN Malang (The Medical Faculty of UIN Malang) is the new study program at UIN Malang that keeps gaining achievements in science.

Mohammad Daffa Athallah Fath and Falaq Agastya Perdana managed to get an achievement in the Equator City of Indonesia, in the event of Tanjungpura Medical Scientific Competition, in Medical Faculty of Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak. They became the first winner, outmatching the other finalists from other Medical Faculties in Indonesia.

This event held on 15 – 17 March 2019 was organized by UKM LPP Myrsa (Student Association of Research and Assessment, Medical Young Researcher and Scientist Association) from Medical Faculty of Untan.

There were various competitions, such as Scientific Writing Competition, Scientific Poster Competition, and Scientific Educational Video Competition.

Daffa and Falaq joined the Scientific Poster Competition with the theme of ‘stroke’ that was titled ‘Perilaku Anak KuPer sebagai Sarana Edukasi Guna Meningkatkan Upaya Preventif pada Penyakit Stroke akibat Obsesitas’ (Anak KuPer, the behaviors to prevent the risk of stroke due to obesity).

This poster explained the behaviors to prevent stroke due to obesity by doing ‘Anak KuPer (Sufficient healthy food intake, less junk food, more exercise)’.

 “Previously, we sent the poster that we made. Then, the juries would determine the best 10 to present in front of the judges in Medical Faculty of Untan. Actually, we did not expect that we could be the best 10. However, we are very proud of being able to bring the name of FK UIN Malang to the national event,” said Daffa on Thursday (21/3/2019).

 “We are still in the second semester, so we did not really know much about how to create this poster. We still did not know how to make a good scientific poster and we did not know much about stroke. But we never gave up. With the helps from the lecturers, we could make it,” he added.

Falaq encouraged his friends to join the scientific competitions as it could help them get more experiences and knowledge in science field. Besides, it could bring the good image of FK UIN Malang, which has been established since three years ago. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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