
Daily Habits for Beautiful, Healthy Skin

Jumat, 22 Maret 2019 - 07:35 | 48.30k
Illustration of healthy skin. (PHOTO: Biutiva.com)
Illustration of healthy skin. (PHOTO: Biutiva.com)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAHealthy skin could boost one’s confident. Healthy skin could be maintained by consuming healthy food and healthy lifestyle. Here are some daily habits for beautiful, healthy skin.

1. Healthy consumption

Make sure that your daily consumption has balanced nutrition. Do not overeat. Try to change your eating habit by consuming foods that contain complex carbohydrates. Increase fruit and vegetable consumption, or make them as your snacks. Do not forget to limit your sugar and salt intake, and try to avoid packaged foods.  

2. Adequate fluid intake

As the biggest organ of human’s body, our skin needs fluid to be moist. An adequate daily fluid intake is 8 glasses of water. Bring your drinking water with you anywhere you go.

3. Quality Rest

The consistent sleeping duration and sleeping pattern are beneficial for the cell regeneration, including the skin cells. The optimal skin cell regeneration will make the skin look healthier and supple. The health experts suggest that the best sleeping duration is around 8 hours per day. Try to sleep and wake up at the same time every day.

4. Regular Exercise

Exercise could improve the oxygen circulation in blood. As a result, your skin will be brighter. Another benefit of exercise is to improve the collagen in the skin, which could reduce premature skin aging. If you are not used to having exercise, you may start by walking. Make sure that you have a regular exercise around 75 minutes per week.

5. Good Stress Management

You can manage stress in many ways, such as having vacation, doing your hobbies, doing yoga, or meditating. If you think that you do not have time to manage your stress, remember that stress could reduce the body immune system and affect your physical appearance. Therefore, you need to have a good stress management.

6. Avoid Free Radicals

Cigarette smoke, air pollution, stress, and alcohol are the sources of free radicals. Unfortunately, sometimes we are not aware of these things. In fact, the excessive free radicals in our body could lead to many diseases, such as arthritis, heart diseases, hypertension, cancer, and cell damage that could lead to premature skin aging. Avoid dree radicals by consuming foods that are high in antioxidant level, such as vegetables and fruits.

To get healthy skin, pay attention to your daily habits. Besides doing your skincare routine, do not forget to have a healthy lifestyle and consume healthy food for beautiful, healthy skin. (*)

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Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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