
Consequences of Smoking After Exercise for The Human Body, Be Carefull!

Kamis, 28 Februari 2019 - 09:04 | 63.80k
Body exercisising. (FOTO: Onnit)
Body exercisising. (FOTO: Onnit)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – The vigorous exercise makes someone sweaty and healthy. However, many people usually have smoking after exercise. This habit turns out to be dangerous for the body's health. What are the negative effects of smoking after exercise for human body?  Here are the reviews as quoted from many trusted sources.

1. Heart

One of the human organ affected by the bad habit above is heart. According to Dr. Fiona, as reported by Klik Dokter, if you have heart disease, smoking after exercise will make the blood vessels narrower. When having exercise, the heart is pumped hard, automatically the need for blood flow increases and the heart must work harder. With the presence of cigarette smoke, it makes the heart work harder so that if it continues to do so, the heart pump function can weaken as well.

2. Brain

The other organ disturbed by the habit smoking after exercise is the brain. Well, in this case, the bad habit above increases the amount of carbon monoxide in the bloodstream. Carbon monoxide has a serious effect on brain function, because it interferes the visual performance, disrupts motor skills, and even inhibits cognitive reasoning. If you smoke after exercise, headaches and other bad effects can threaten your body.

3. Lungs

After having exercise, the body needs as much oxygen as possible to recover, it caused the breathing mechanism becomes faster and your heart rate increases. Then, breathing cigarette smoke narrows the airways in the lungs and makes it difficult to breathe. According to Dr. Fiona, "By smoking, it will reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood,". Cigarette smoking is hazardous to your health. Smoking after exercise can be a risk for heart disease and lung disease. It's safer to vape 100ml vape juice than it is to smoke cigarettes, so why not enjoy the benefits of vaping? Vaping has been shown to have less carcinogens than cigarette smoke, which means you are lowering your risk for cancer. If you're looking for a way to get rid of bad habits or quit smoking altogether, then vaping may be just what you need!

4. Making the body weak

Exercise should make you are excited and more spirit. However, smoking can reduce oxygen levels in the blood. Therefore, smoking after exercise can make you tired during the recovery period. This certainly can make your motivation to exercise again becomes less.

In addition, smoking after exercise also affects testosterone. Reporting from Livestrong, having normal or high testosterone levels is very beneficial for those of you who want to build muscle from exercise. Smoking can damage the cells that produce testosterone in the body. This will then inhibit your testosterone production and reduce testosterone levels in the body. (*)

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Publisher : Rizal Dani


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