
The Vice Major of Yogyakarta Greets Warmly to ASEAN Humanitarian Activists

Jumat, 22 Februari 2019 - 18:18 | 38.74k

TIMESINDONESIA, YOGYAKARTA – As the representatives of Yogyakarta government head, The Vice Major of Yogyakarta, Heroe Purwadi greets warmly the ASEAN Humanitarian Activist in the 3rd Annual General Meeting SEAHUM in his town.

Yogyakarta as the host of the meeting has experienced the tremendous natural disaster before, namely the earthquake in 2006. In addition, the Mount Merapi erupted in 2010. After experiencing a natural disaster, many individuals develop severe post-traumatic stress disorders.


Then, the eruption of Kelud mountain in East Java, even though the community of Yogyakarta didn’t feel the worst impact directly, but they disrupted by the ashes.

"When Mount Kelud erupted, we are who live in Yogyakarta do not get worried. However, we get the ashes, so that people's activities are disrupted because the ashes are thick enough, "Heroe said in his welcoming speech at the 3rd Annual General Meeting at SEAHUM at Garuda Hotel, Malioboro street No. 60 Yogyakarta, Thursday night (/21/022019).

Currently, Yogyakarta is still increasing its awareness toward the cold lava from mount merapi due to it is in the rainy season.

"Because of the existence of rain and the flood of cold lava, the government and the community always to watch out," Heroe explained.

As a city of students, tourism and culture, the city of Yogyakarta will continue to try to maintain harmony in the community. For this commitment, the City of Yogyakarta received an award from the Ministry of Religion as a city that is able to maintain harmony.

On the other hand, the city of Yogyakarta is visited by as many as 15,000 people every day, they come from various cities in the country and abroad. In addition, Yogyakarta has 100 private universities and 6 state universities. Thus, the city of Yogyakarta will continue to maintain harmony, so that students feel safe and comfortable.

"Hopefully the organization of this event and the results of this activity will benefit the ASEAN community," Heroe explained. (*)

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Publisher : Rizal Dani


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