
These 5 Natural Herbs are Effective to Lower Hypertension

Selasa, 19 Februari 2019 - 04:18 | 20.27k
Kayu Manis (Photo: Special)
Kayu Manis (Photo: Special)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Many people deal with hypertension or called as high blood pressure. It can inflict damage before even someone is aware of it. To lower hypertension, in addition to using drugs from the doctor someone can rely on certain types of natural herbs. There are 5 natural herbs are effective to lower hypertension. What are they?

1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a tasty seasoning that requires little effort to include in the daily diet. It is rich in antioxidant and turns out beneficial to lower hypertension.

2. Basil leaves

Basil is  delicious herb that goes well with a variety of foods, especially its leaves. It might also help to lower the hypertension. Fresh basil leaves do not contain side effects and are good for those who are on a diet.

3. Banana

High potassium content in bananas can help to balance high levels of sodium in the body of people with the hypertension, so it can help someone to reduce blood pressure.

4. Potatoes

Potatoes are one of the foods containing of potassium and high magnesium. Both of these minerals can reduce blood pressure. However, do not add salt when processing potatoes. The addition of salt makes potatoes containing high salt, which can actually increase blood pressure.

5. Green Vegetables

Green vegetables contain high potassium and calcium. Green vegetables such as spinach, green radish, mustard greens, and others are also useful to lower the high blood pressure.

In addition to consume those 5 natural herbs, you should adopt a healthy life style to lower the hypertension. (*)

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Publisher : Rochmat Shobirin


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