
Hotel Tugu Malang Presented 'Karna Sang Kusuma' in Indonesia Cultural Dining Series

Senin, 18 Februari 2019 - 06:18 | 55.70k
The performance of the puppet show is titled. (PHOTO: TIMES Indonesia)
The performance of the puppet show is titled. (PHOTO: TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – In preserving Indonesian cultural art heritage, Hotel Tugu Malang, East Java performed Wayang Orang (human puppet theater) entitled of "Karna Sang Kusuma". It was held in the 39th event of Indonesia Cultural Dinning Series at Tirta Gangga Hotel Tugu Malang on Friday evening (15/02/19). This art event is in collaboration with the Art Gallery of Singamulangjaya and Padakanusa.

The story of "Karna Sang Kusuma" tells the story of Kunthi, a pretty daughter of a king who gets pregnant because she read mantra or magical word, then come the Surya God who gave son through Kunthi's ear.

This made Kunthi embarrassed and after that she decided to throw her first baby into the Gangga river and named him Karna Surya Putra means Karna the Son of Surya God. Karna consequently was floating on the river, then found and cared for by a coachman namely, Adirata.

Not long after that,  Kunthi married Pandhu and had five children, namely Pandhawa and one of them named Arjuna who was skillful in archery. When he was a teenager, Arjuna practiced archery with Pandawa and Kurawa teachers. When being tested in archery skill, Arjuna made Astina's kingdom startled because of his excellent skill. Seeing his greatness, Karna was immediately appointed by the Kurupati to become a brother of Kurawa.

Over time, Bharatayudha waged a civil war between Pandhawa and Kurawa. Because he said goodbye to his mother Kunthi when going to war. Kunthi cried sadly when he learned that because his own son would be an enemy for his younger siblings.

Kunthi asked Karna to be on Pandhawa's side. However, his love homeland and nation, he remained at the Kurawa's side. On the other hand, Karna also loved his younger siblings, so he chose to win his younger siblings and finally died in the war as Kusuma Bangsa.

The visitor looked enjoying the show of “Karna Sang Kusuma” while eating dinner in the 39th event of Indonesia Cultural Dinning Series at Tirta Gangga Hotel Tugu Malang(*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Publisher : Rochmat Shobirin


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