
The Advantages of Consuming Aloe Vera

Selasa, 12 Februari 2019 - 00:44 | 37.98k
Aloe vera. (PHOTO: Medical News Today)
Aloe vera. (PHOTO: Medical News Today)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAAloe vera has been known well by several people to be a plant that has so much benefits for human live. Some people even deliberately plant them in front of their house. And these are the benefits of consuming Aloe vera.

1. Prevent constipation

According to Healthline consuming Aloe vera juice could increase the number of fluids in our intestines. This would stimulate the peristalsis movement of intestines which will help our digestion.

2. Keeping your skin healthy

Aloe vera juice will also helps you protect your skin from the inside. Aloe vera juice has been known as antioxidant that can neutralize the ultraviolet (UV) radiation. By consuming this juice it will help your skin to regenerate the skin cells and prevent wrinkles obtained from the UV.

3. Help reducing the gum inflammation/gingivitis

The antibacterial effect that conceived by this plant made it become an alternative to reduce the gum inflammation. You could use it to gargle especially after having some cavity removal.

A study conducted by the Sultan Hasanuddin college student Makassar said that there is a big different between those who gargle with Aloe vera water and between those who didn't toward their gum inflammation after having some cavity removal.

4. Controlling the sugar level in your blood

An analysis published byJournal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics said that the Aloe vera extraction could absorb the amount of sugar in the blood. Thus then will help to stabilize the amount of sugar in your blood and prevent the diabetic happen.

5. Maintaining your digestion system

The Aloe vera juice contain some enzymes that help the body to break the sugar and fat in the food. Thus then it will help you to prevent some gastritis, so that the body could absorb all the nutrition from the food by having a good digestion system.

Still, will all those benefits you get from consuming Aloe vera you can't just consume it likewise. There has to be some exact portion or dosage which you need to know. Consult to your doctor for more information on how many dosage or when to take it. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan


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