
Sabrang Attended the Anniversary of HMJ PAI UIN Malang to Explain Morals in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Kamis, 15 November 2018 - 12:07 | 27.80k
Sabrang is presenting the materials. (Photo: AJP TIMES Indonesia)
Sabrang is presenting the materials. (Photo: AJP TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANGSabrang Mowo Damar Panuluh became the presenter in the anniversary of Student Council (HMJ) of PAI UIN Malang in the event of Ngaji Bersama on Monday (12/11/2018). He, the son of Emha Ainun Najib, explained about the morals in the fourth industrial revolution.

The theme of this event, which was held in the main hall of UIN Malang, brought the theme of “Morals Education Actualization in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era”.

Sabrang, which is also known as Noe, said that revolution is a significant change. It is different from evolution, which is a slower change.

The first industrial revolution was the discovery of steam engine. Next, the second industrial revolution was the development of the first revolution, such as the existence of explosion and electricity. Then, the third industrial revolution was the born of the new world, which was the digital world.

 “The borders between the previous revolutions was more open. But the fourth revolution is terrifying,” he explained.

According to Noe, the fourth revolution was close to the social media. The morals became the behaviors, and the behavior needs groups of people.

 “On the internet, we interact by writing. The characters are the seeds, something that is considered first, and then it is done. Anything that is written in the public media is morals,” said the vocalist of Letto band.

He added that the moral education actualization required public media awareness. Different cultures could lead to different interpretations.

Nowadays, people use their thumbs instead of mouth to show their behavior. Therefore, the next jargon is “your thumb is your tiger”.

 “People should open their mind to realize morals and recognize the public media. Therefore, the education will be clearer,” he said.

The event of Ngaji Bersama to celebrate the anniversary of HMJ PAI UIN Malang attended by Sabrang Mowo Damar Panuluh was successful and lively. (*)

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Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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