
Drink Celery Juice, It Gives Amazing Benefits for your Body

Kamis, 15 November 2018 - 22:06 | 37.52k
Illustration - Benefits of Celery Juice for health (Photo: doktersehat.com)
Illustration - Benefits of Celery Juice for health (Photo: doktersehat.com)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTACelery is usually just a supplementary ingredient when you eat meatballs or chicken porridge. However, did you know that celery juice has tremendous benefits for health?

Celery (apium graveolens) is usually only used to add the aroma of a food.  But, it turns out celery can be processed as the main ingredient for making healthy juice drinks.

Reporting from Women's Health, the following are the amazing benefits of celery juice.

1. Maintain body's hydration

Celery juice can keep your body well hydrated. That's because whole part of celery contains a lot of water, so you will get enough liquid when you drink it.

2. Reduce stomach's bloating

Eating 1 to 2 cups of celery juice a day can help to reduce bloating. Celery is a natural diuretic. Celery will release water retention while keeping you hydrated.

3. Rich in antioxidants

Celery also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. This nutrition can help you feel better while fighting disease.

4. Good magnesium sources

Celery contains high magnesium. In addition, the content of the juice can also improve muscle health, digestion, and make you to sleep soundly.

5. Low of sugar and calories

One cup of celery juice contains 1 gram of sugar. Even if you drink 4 or 5 cups of whole celery, you will still consume less sugar than you have in a glass of orange juice. On average, a glass of orange juice contains about 7 grams of sugar. In addition, the good news is that one cup of celery juice contains only about 15 calories.

Celery is also recommended eaten as a whole. That's because the benefits of fiber will be more obtained when eating vegetables as a whole. One thing you need to avoid, do not add sugar to your celery juice so that you can really feel the health benefits for your body. (*)

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Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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