
Do you Believe Ginger can Relieve Pneumonia Symptoms?

Selasa, 13 November 2018 - 16:06 | 16.36k
Pneumonia Symptoms. (PHOTO: Doktersehat)
Pneumonia Symptoms. (PHOTO: Doktersehat)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Bronchopneumonia or pneumonia is respiratory disease that can be a life threatening of people. The causes of pneumonia can vary, such as bacteria, viruses, even fungi. Although pneumonia cannot be cured at home, to relieve symptoms, you can use ginger at your house. Let's read the following review of ginger's efficacy.

Reporting from Medical News Today, ginger can relieve symptoms of chest pain caused by pneumonia. Usually, chest pain arises because people with respiratory tract infections will cough constantly. If you relieve it only by drinking water, the symptoms of coughing can indeed subside, but the chest pain can't either.

Meanwhile, if you drink warm tea made from ginger and its roots, chest pain can be reduced. Because, the root of ginger has natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects that react in the body.

Try to make your own ginger tea at home. Because the ginger instant beverage package contains a lot of sugar or artificial sweeteners, and it isn’t good for your health. In fact, it can cause sugar rush and it makes it difficult for you to rest.

In addition to ginger, peppermint can also relieve symptoms of pneumonia, which is coughing continuously. Peppermint can help to relieve irritation and promote phlegm.

That's the argument to ensure you about the efficacy of ginger for pneumonia symptoms. Actually, ginger isn't a cure for pneumonia. Ginger is just a spice to reduce the symptoms of respiratory infections. In addition to utilize ginger, apply a healthy lifestyle. That way, the immune system does not decrease and is not easily infected with dangerous organisms that cause pneumonia. (*)

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Publisher : Rizal Dani


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