
Bondowoso to Have Rabbit Park like the One in Yogyakarta

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2018 - 04:35 | 175.77k
This is a rabbit garden sighting in Tridadi Village, Sleman District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta (PHOTO: Moh Bahri / TIMES Indonesia)
This is a rabbit garden sighting in Tridadi Village, Sleman District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta (PHOTO: Moh Bahri / TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, BONDOWOSO – Bondowoso is going to have a rabbit park like the one in Tridadi Tourism Village, Sleman sub-district, Yogyakarta.

The Head of Tourism Awareness Group of Tirta Agung Tourism Village, Sukosari Kidul Sumber Wringin, Muhammad Fadil, said that after his visitation to Yogyakarta, he planned to build a playground for children, which is Taman Kelinci (Rabbit Park)

 “We got many knowledge and inspirations to develop the tourism village, such as Taman Kelinci, which we plan to build,” he said on Wednesday (17/10/2018).  


With the existence of Taman Kelinci, the visitors could interact and play with the rabbits.

 “It will be an education, particularly for children,” he added.

Although it is not too vast, Taman Kelinci in Tridadi Village, Sleman is very beautiful with the artificial hills and rabbits’ burrows and houses.

That’s why, Bondowoso, specifically in Tirta Agung tourism village, Sukosari Kidul, is also going to make a rabbit park like the one in Tridadi tourism village in Sleman, Yogyakarta. (*)

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Publisher : Rochmat Shobirin


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