English Jokowi-Makruf Amin

KH Ma'ruf Amin Visits Some of Islamic Boarding Schools in East Java

Senin, 03 September 2018 - 06:16 | 19.65k
KH Ma'ruf Amin (PHOTO: TIMES Indonesia)
KH Ma'ruf Amin (PHOTO: TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Prof. Dr. KH Ma'ruf Amin, vice president candidate for Joko Widodo, today (3/9/2018) conducts a friendship visit (sillaturrahmi) to Islamic Boarding Schools in East Java. The friendship visit is conducted before the determination of the serial number of the presidential and vice presidential candidate of the Jokowi-KH Ma'ruf Amin pair by the KPU on September 21.

A number of Islamic Boarding Schools (pesantren) in East Java are visited by Kiai Ma'ruf. Starting from Lirboyo (Kediri) Islamic Boarding School, Alfalah (Ploso, Kediri), Tebuireng (Jombang), Tambakberas (Jombang), Denanyar (Jombang), Rejoso (Peterongan, Jombang), Driyorejo (Gresik), Sunan Drajat (Lamongan), and Sarang (Central Java).

"This muhibbah is a place of friendship between Kiai Ma'ruf and caregivers of a number of pesantren in East Java," said the Chairman of the PBNU KH Robikin Emhas who accompanies KH Ma'ruf who is also Rais Aam PBNU.

In addition to sillaturahmi, Kiai Ma'ruf will also visit the graves of the old kiai and the kiai of the founders of NU. Kiai Ma'ruf is accompanied by a number of scholars and administrators of the NU.

It is known, in Tebuireng Jombang is the tomb of NU founder KH Hasyim Asy'ari and Gus Dur, the fourth president of the Republic of Indonesia. While in Tambakberas Jombang there is the grave of NU founder KH Wahab Hasbullah, and KH Romly Tamim, the main murshid of the Tariqah Naqsabandiyah and Qadiriyah was buried in Ponpes Darul Ulum Rejoso, Peterongan, Jombang.

Moreover, at the Drajat Lamongan Islamic Boarding School, there is a tomb of Sunan Drajat. Well, Kiai Ma'ruf will do Muhibbah of sillaturrahmi at these old pesantren in East Java.

In addition to the pesantren, the Vice President candidate, KH Ma'ruf Amin will also meet NU officials throughout East Java at the East Java PWNU, Surabaya. In the 2019 Presidential Election the Jokowi-KH Ma'ruf Amin pair will compete in the next direct election on April 17, 2019. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Editor : Deasy Mayasari
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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